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The missed penalty: A drama on the pitch and how our products can help

Der nicht gegebene Elfmeter: Ein Drama auf dem Platz und wie unsere Produkte helfen können

Last night it was that time again: the big game we were all waiting for – Germany against Spain. The tension was in the air, the fans held their breath, and then... the missed penalty! The crowd went wild, the players protested, and the internet exploded. But while everyone was discussing this controversial moment, there is one question that many of us are asking ourselves: How do you get through such nerve-wracking moments without losing hair?

We at kö have the perfect solution for everyone who not only wants to survive the drama on the football field, but also wants to look good while doing it. With our products Redensyl and Hairloading capsules you are well prepared, no matter how exciting the game gets.

Redensyl: For stronger and thicker hair

Whether you're sitting in the stands or watching TV at home, missing a penalty can cause a lot of stress. And as we all know, stress is not good for our hair. But don't worry! With Redensyl you ensure that your hair remains strong and thick even in the most stressful moments. Redensyl stimulates the hair follicles and supports natural hair growth - so you always have a good hairstyle even in heated discussions.

Hairloading capsules: The secret weapon against hair loss

Our hairloading capsules are the ideal complement to Redensyl. They provide your body with important nutrients that promote hair growth from the inside out. So while you're cursing at the referee and watching the slow-motion replay of the missed penalty, you can rest assured that your hair is well taken care of.


The missed penalty will certainly remain a topic of conversation for a long time, but your hair doesn't have to suffer because of it. With Redensyl and our hairloading capsules you are well prepared to survive even the most dramatic football evenings without hair loss. Visit us at kö and discover our products - so that you can always keep a cool head, no matter how hot it gets on the pitch!