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Detox for those in a hurry: 24-hour detox

Entgiften für Eilige: 24-Stunden-Detox

Detox is a great thing in principle, but it always sounds like many weeks in which you have to pay close attention to your diet. Feeling good: 100%, fun factor nil. But did you know that you don't necessarily have to torture yourself for weeks? You can also do a lot of good for yourself with a 24-hour detox. And everyone can last 24 hours, right?

Since detox is basically about detoxifying the body, nicotine, alcohol and lack of sleep are of course taboo. You also need time to prepare your own meals. So don't necessarily choose a planned party weekend to detox. During these 24 hours, you don't smoke anything, but you drink - lots of water, green tea or even a juice spritzer. You should already have two to three liters in it, so start with it in the morning and distribute the amount evenly throughout the day.

Make sure that all drinks are unsweetened or do not contain any added sugar, as sugar is at the top of the taboo list on your detox day. Animal products such as meat, dairy products or eggs as well as hydrogenated fats, gluten and wheat also have no place in your diet for 24 hours as they acidify the body.

“Great, there’s not much left, so I won’t eat anything for 24 hours!” I'll admit that the thought was pretty much the first thing that came to mind when I was planning my first detox day. But you'll be surprised at how much you can still eat while detoxifying. When it comes to fruit and vegetables, you can grab them without any worries and eat whatever you like. Start the day with a homemade smoothie or a fruit plate. Homemade salads or vegetable stir-fries with rice, millet or quinoa are perfect for lunch. In the evening you can enjoy a light vegetable soup, which you can of course make yourself.

Use salt sparingly when cooking or, best of all, leave it out. There are many other great spices that give your food a great taste and at the same time support your detoxing, for example ginger or turmeric. It's great that you can easily do a 24-hour detox without having to starve straight away. And maybe you can even last two days or longer.