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Hair loss caused by cola and energy drinks: what's behind it and what can you do?

Haarausfall durch Cola und Energy Drinks: Was steckt dahinter und was kann man tun?

A new study has shown that excessive consumption of cola and energy drinks in men can significantly increase the risk of hair loss. These drinks contain high amounts of sugar and caffeine, which can affect hormone balance and promote inflammation in the body. This leads to weakening of hair follicles and increases the risk of premature hair loss.

The results of the study

In a study by Tsinghua University in Beijing, 1,020 men between the ages of 18 and 45 were examined. It has been found that men who consume more than one sugary drink daily have a 42 percent higher risk of hair loss than those who drink less of it. Men who, in addition to consuming these drinks, also had other unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking and little physical activity were particularly affected.

How a healthy diet can help

Diet plays a crucial role in counteracting hair loss. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can have a positive effect on hair health:

  1. Foods rich in protein: Eggs, fish and legumes promote hair growth, as hair is mainly made up of the protein keratin.
  2. Vitamins and minerals: Vitamins A, C, D, biotin and zinc are essential for healthy hair. These can be found in fruits, vegetables and whole grain products.
  3. Omega-3 fatty acids: These support the health of hair follicles and are found in fish, nuts and seeds.

Support through nutritional supplements

In addition to a healthy diet, special nutritional supplements such as our Hair Loading Capsules can also help combat hair loss. These capsules contain a balanced blend of vitamins, minerals and botanical extracts that strengthen hair from within and promote hair growth.

Learn more about our Hair Loading Capsules and how they can help you maintain healthy and strong hair.


Excessive consumption of cola and energy drinks can have adverse effects on hair growth. However, through a conscious diet and targeted nutritional supplements, you can actively combat hair loss and maintain your hair. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to benefit not only hair but also overall health.