Effective solutions against hair loss after Corona and COVID vaccination

Hair loss after a corona disease or COVID vaccination is increasingly becoming a topic in health forums and among those affected. Many report increased hair loss as part of Long Covid Syndrome. This condition, known as telogen effluvium, occurs when the body changes hair growth phases after illness or stress.
At KÖsmetik we understand your concerns and offer effective solutions. Our products, such as the KÖ Hair Redensyl Shampoo and the KÖ-HAIR Loading Capsules, contain important active ingredients such as Redensyl and sulforaphane, which have been proven to promote hair growth and counteract hair loss.
The viral infection COVID-19 places a massive burden on the human body, which it has to fight with all its energy. In such cases, a 'telogen effluvium' occurs, a change in the phase in which the patient's hair is. Due to the strong physical stress, it changes from the growth phase to the failure phase.
After the hair follicle enters the shedding phase, it does not detach from the head immediately. It can take several months for actual hair loss to occur. This means that our patients only lose their hair long after the actual corona infection, which in many cases causes panic and confusion.
Our experts recommend a combination of topical treatment and nutritional supplements to effectively treat post-corona hair loss. In addition to our specialized shampoos, the KÖ-HAIR Loading Capsules are an excellent addition to provide your body with the necessary nutrients and support hair health.
If you are suffering from hair loss, do not hesitate to contact us or book an appointment for an individual consultation. At KÖsmetik you will find the right products and experts to get your hair back in top shape.