Microcurrent Facial: Skin care under current

Microcurrent Facial is the latest anti-aging craze from Hollywood, i.e. skin rejuvenation using microcurrent. This doesn't sound particularly trustworthy at first, but it's completely safe to use. Because the Microcurrent Facial, as the name suggests, only uses low-dose units of electricity. The treatment is neither dangerous nor painful.
By the way, microcurrent therapy originally comes from alternative medicine, where it is used, among other things, to treat facial paralysis. In recent years, the treatment has also become increasingly popular in the cosmetic sector.
Electricity in the face: what's the point?
But why is it such a great idea to let electricity run through your skin? The purpose of the whole procedure is to reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate the overall appearance of the skin. The low-voltage electricity passed across the face causes the muscles to contract and stimulates the overlying skin layers. This stimulates the skin cells to produce more collagen and elastin. And these two, as you all probably know, are crucial for beautiful, firm and youthful-looking skin. Thanks to microcurrent treatment, wrinkles will soon be a thing of the past.
But that's not all the treatment can do for your skin. Since the Microcurrent Facial also stimulates blood circulation in the skin and is intended to repair damaged cell structures, the treatment can help against blemishes and acne and overall refine the complexion. Rosacea can also be treated with microcurrent. The treatment can also reduce dark circles under the eyes and puffiness and repair skin damage caused by UV light.
At the beautician or at home?
The first treatment results are clearly visible after the first session, but they only last around 14 days. If you want to permanently improve the appearance of your skin, you need to plan regular treatments. The good news, however, is that the Microcurrent Facial has a restorative effect. This means that the more often the skin is treated, the longer the results last.
The Microcurrent Facial is suitable for all skin types. There are now very good devices for use at home. However, if you are unsure, it is best to make an appointment at a certified cosmetic studio. Our beautician is very familiar with the microcurrent device, can analyze your skin type and adapt the treatment optimally.