This is how you get rid of your fat

Greasy hair is no fun. The advertising shows you rows and rows of women with silky, soft and shiny voluminous hairstyles, while your hair is already slapping greasy on your head two hours after washing. No trace of volume anywhere. This is just frustrating. Although there is no magic cure for greasy hair, you can curb the problem with a few simple tricks.
Oily hair is caused by an overproduction of sebum in the scalp. Sebum is important for protecting the scalp from harmful environmental influences and keeping the hair supple. Overproduction can be genetically or hormonally caused, or caused by medication or poor nutrition. The myth still persists that washing your hair frequently causes the scalp to become greasy even more quickly. This dates back to the time when shampoos were much more aggressive than today and actually dried out the scalp a lot. As a result, sebum production was excessively stimulated and the scalp actually became greasy more quickly.
Today, shampoos are much milder and, above all, you can get products without surfactants that are specifically tailored to the needs of oily scalps. They thoroughly cleanse the hair of all harmful residues without irritating the scalp. Herbal extracts also soothe the scalp. However, you shouldn't necessarily use these shampoos every day as they don't contain any moisturizing ingredients and can therefore damage the scalp. It's best to only use it once or twice a week and otherwise use a particularly mild shampoo.
It is important not to further stimulate your scalp's sebum production. Therefore, you should only wash your hair with lukewarm water and do not blow-dry it too hot. Since the sebaceous glands are particularly active at night, it's best to wash your hair in the morning because then you can wash out all the excess oil straight away.