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6 early signs of baldness you should know

Ein Mann Anfang 30 blickt besorgt in einen Spiegel und untersucht seinen Haaransatz mit sichtbaren Anzeichen von schütterem Haar.

Hair loss is an issue that affects many people and is often associated with uncertainty and stress. The first signs of possible baldness often go unnoticed. But the sooner you recognize the warning signs, the better you can take appropriate measures to slow down or even stop hair loss . In this blog post, we will show you which early signs of baldness you should know about and how you can react to them.

Sign 1: Recession of the hairline

One of the most common and earliest signs of hair loss is a receding hairline. This is often a gradual change that first appears at the temples. If you notice that your forehead is getting higher and your hairline is moving towards the crown, this could be a sign of androgenetic alopecia - the most common form of hereditary hair loss.

Sign 2: Thinning hair

Even if your hairline appears unchanged, thinning hair can be a sign of impending baldness. Many people initially notice that their hair is losing density in certain areas, such as the top of the head or the crown. This can be caused by a decreasing number of hair follicles, which produce less strong hair over time.

Sign 3: Increased hair loss when combing or showering

If you lose significantly more hair than usual when combing or showering, this may be a sign of a serious problem. Although it is normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day, if you notice that whole clumps of hair are falling out or the hair loss is increasing, you should take notice. Excessive hair loss can indicate the onset of baldness.

Sign 4: Visible scalp

Another sign of balding is when the scalp becomes increasingly visible through the hair. The scalp often becomes visible first, particularly in the area of ​​the top of the head or temples. This means that the hair in these areas is already severely thinned and may soon fall out.

Sign 5: Itchy or sensitive scalp

In some cases, the onset of hair loss is accompanied by itching or a sensitive scalp. These symptoms may indicate an inflamed scalp or other problems that are affecting hair growth. If you notice itching or other changes on your scalp, you should not ignore it as it can be an early warning sign of hair loss.

Sign 6: Changes in hair structure

Have you noticed that your hair suddenly becomes brittle or brittle? Changes in hair structure can also indicate the onset of baldness. When hair follicles are weakened, they often produce thinner, less strong hair. This can cause hair to break more easily or have less volume.

Conclusion: Early detection helps slow baldness

The sooner you recognize the signs of hair loss, the better your chances of starting effective treatment in time. Hair loss does not necessarily have to lead to complete hair loss - modern hair care products , such as those in our KÖSMETIK online shop, can help slow the progression and support the health of your hair. If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, we recommend that you act early and select suitable products.

Check out our specially designed hair care products to combat hair loss and discover the ways to strengthen your hair and prevent future hair loss.