Bromelain: The powerful enzyme from pineapple for health and well-being

Bromelain, an enzyme derived from pineapple, is known in the medical world for its diverse benefits.
Why is bromelain so special? Bromelain is unique because of its anti-inflammatory and digestive properties. It helps with sinus infections, gastrointestinal problems and reduces swelling and inflammation after surgery.
How does bromelain help after surgery and injuries? After surgical procedures such as hair transplants, bromelain effectively reduces swelling and promotes the healing process.
What other medical uses are there for bromelain? Bromelain is also used to treat inflammatory rheumatic diseases, to promote digestion and for stomach ulcers. It has been shown to be helpful in relieving symptoms of thrombosis and aiding in cancer therapy.
Are KÖsmetik bromelain capsules suitable for hair surgery recovery? Yes, our Bromelain capsules enriched with Aloe Vera are ideal for supporting recovery after hair surgery. They combine the natural healing properties of bromelain with the calming benefits of aloe vera.
Is bromelain suitable for children? Bromelain should only be used in children after consulting a doctor.
What side effects and interactions can bromelain have? Bromelain is usually well tolerated, but can cause allergic reactions in some people. It is important to consult a doctor when taking bromelain with other medications to avoid interactions.