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Insight into the hair growth cycle: Basic knowledge for strong hair

Einblick in den Haarwachstumszyklus

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to the hair growth cycle! To effectively combat hair loss, it is crucial to understand the cycle that each individual hair on our head goes through. This knowledge is not only interesting for hair enthusiasts, but also essential for anyone who strives for strong and healthy hair.

The Stages of Hair Life: A Cycle of Growth and Renewal

Every hair on our scalp is in one of the three phases of the hair growth cycle: anagen, catagen and telogen phases. The duration and intensity of these phases are individually and genetically determined and influence the hair density and maximum hair length of each of us.

  1. The anagen phase – time of growth: This phase is characterized by active hair formation in the scalp and lasts an average of 2 to 6 years. Meanwhile, our hair reaches its impressive length and strength.

  2. The Catagen Phase – The Transition: A short, two-week transition process in which the hair stops growing and the hair root prepares for the resting phase.

  3. The telogen phase – the resting position: After a three-month rest period, the hair eventually falls out and a new hair begins to grow. Interestingly, 8 to 14% of our hair is in this phase at any given time.

Causes of disruptions in the hair cycle

A disruption in the hair cycle can have various causes, such as genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies or stress. An accelerated cycle or a shortened growth phase can lead to increased hair loss.

The path to strong hair: How to support the hair cycle

For optimal hair health, it is important to support your own hair cycle. A balanced diet, stress reduction and proper hair care can help hair follicles maintain their strength. If you still notice changes in your hair growth, professional advice from a dermatologist is advisable.

Conclusion: Your hair deserves attention

Your hair is a reflection of your health and well-being. By understanding the hair cycle, you can begin to take targeted measures to achieve full, strong hair. Follow your body's signals and act proactively to ensure the long-term beauty and health of your hair.