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Changing skin care from summer to fall: How to optimally prepare your skin

Eine junge blonde Frau mit strahlender Haut, umgeben von Herbstlaub. Das Bild symbolisiert der Übergang der Hautpflege von Sommer zu Herbst.

The change of seasons not only brings with it changes in nature, but also presents your skin with new challenges. While in summer your skin mainly struggles with heat, UV radiation and increased sebum production, in autumn it is cooler temperatures, dry heated air and wind that require special care. In order to keep your skin radiant and healthy even in the cooler seasons, it is important to adapt your care routine accordingly. In this blog post you will learn how you can optimally switch your skin from summer to autumn care.

Moisture comes first

Autumn often brings dry air, both outside and from the heating inside. This can deprive your skin of valuable moisture . While light moisturizers are often sufficient in summer, you should opt for richer care products in autumn. Creams with ingredients such as hyaluronic acid , glycerin or ceramides provide long-lasting moisture and help strengthen the skin barrier. Make sure to choose products that not only provide your skin with moisture, but also help it retain it.

Gentle peeling for fresh skin

Regular peeling is also important in autumn to remove dead skin cells and make the skin more receptive to subsequent care products. However, you should use gentler peelings in autumn. A mild enzyme peeling or a chemical peeling with fruit acids such as AHA or BHA gently removes dead cells without irritating or drying out the skin. This keeps your complexion fresh and radiant.

Sun protection – essential even in autumn

Even though the sun's rays are less intense in autumn, you should not go without sun protection. UV rays can still cause skin damage and accelerate skin aging. A day cream with a sun protection factor of at least 30 will protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun, even on cloudy days.

Oil-based cleansing for more suppleness

While light cleansing products are preferred in summer to remove excess sebum, your skin can benefit from an oil-based cleanser in autumn. Oil-based cleansing products not only remove dirt and makeup thoroughly, but also help to preserve the skin's natural protective barrier. This prevents the skin from becoming too dry and ensures a smooth skin feel.

Additional care with serums and masks

In autumn, your skin deserves an extra dose of care. Serums with moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or antioxidant vitamin C not only provide your skin with intensive care, but also protect it from environmental damage. Moisturizing masks are also a wonderful addition to your routine. You can use these once or twice a week to give your skin intensive care and regeneration.

Don't forget your lips

The skin of your lips is particularly sensitive and tends to dry out and crack quickly in the fall. A nourishing lip balm with natural oils, beeswax or shea butter protects the lips from drying out. A lip balm with a sun protection factor can also protect against harmful UV rays.


Switching up your skincare routine from summer to fall is the key to healthy, glowing skin that can handle the challenges of the colder season. By incorporating richer moisturizers, gentle exfoliants, and the right protection from UV rays into your routine, you can ensure that your skin is optimally cared for even in the fall. Listen to your skin's needs and give it the special attention it deserves during this transitional period.