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Ein echter Augenöffner: Es geht auch ohne Fake Lashes

A real eye-opener: it can also be done without fake lashes

It's one of those things with beauty trends: I'd like to follow them all, but it doesn't work for some of them. For example fake lashes. I just can't get it! Gluing false eyelashes on myself is a total disaster for me, it gets crooked, everything is full of eyelash glue. Fake lashes are a dream when applied by a professional - but only for a short time until they fall out along with the real eyelashes.
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Purge your skin – Alles muss raus!

Purge your skin – everything has to go!

Do you know the movie “The Purge”? This dystopian thriller is set in a future where the government permits all forms of crime once a year for 12 hours. The idea behind it is that the population can easily let out all the aggression that has built up over time. Have I been writing film reviews on this blog lately? No.
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Reibeisenhaut – So bekommt ihr Keratosis piralis in den Griff

Grater skin – This is how you get keratosis piralis under control

Summer is here! The sun is shining and you can finally wear T-shirts, tops and dresses again. And it is precisely in this clothing situation that the small and larger flaws of our skin become apparent again. For example, those stupid pouches on my upper arms and legs that look a bit like goosebumps. The problem has a name: Keratosis Pilaris, which means “grater skin”.
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Erdbeerhaut: Wie sie entsteht und wie man sie behandelt

Strawberry skin: how it develops and how to treat it

Spring is finally here and with the sunshine and warm temperatures we are looking forward to finally wearing shorts and skirts again. But what do you do when the so-called “strawberry skin” throws a spanner in the works? We have put together tips on how to get rid of the unsightly spots on the skin.
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Was ist Niacinamid

Miracle ingredient niacinamide: effect and tips for correct use

Niacinamide is one of the most exciting ingredients that cosmetics currently has to offer. Niacinamide not only has a diverse effect on the complexion, but is also well tolerated, can be easily combined with other ingredients and is suitable for all skin types. Reason enough to take a closer look at this skincare prodigy.
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Losing up to 100 hairs per day is completely normal and nothing to worry about. Anything that goes beyond this permanently is referred to as hair loss or hair loss. This can have various causes: illness, hormonal fluctuations, poor nutrition, stress or a genetic predisposition. Especially for the latter, i.e. hereditary hair loss, there are numerous miracle cures on the market that promise quick help. However, only a few active ingredients have been clinically proven to be effective against hair loss - one of them is minoxidil.
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